Fititude: Amazon product launched done the right way

Jérémie Tranape
October 21, 2023
Case Study

Fititude came to Growth Scalers with a new concept in mind that they wanted to sell through different channels. The product was specially designed gloves that used a unique infused copper material to help people to recover from injuries like tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Growth Scalers started with the journey by understanding the market and how to position the products. They discovered that most of the companies selling similar products stress the fact that the gloves cure arthritis. However, a niche in the younger and active population remained untapped. Many people indeed get injured due to repetitive movement, work out, or by working long hours on computers. Growth Scalers decided to position the product and target active and younger audiences.


To market the product for active users, Growth Scalers crafted the branding material in line with what the brand stands for:

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Effort and rewards
  • Self-improvement
  • Success
  • Be True to Yourself
  • Community engagement
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By choosing dynamic colors, designing a modern brand identity, Fititude is more identifiable than competitors without being overly flashy.

Products Pictures

Most of the buyers on Amazon only scan the products’ pictures and only skim the product description. That’s why choosing the right pictures, showcasing the right lifestyle was so important. Growth Scalers used lifestyle pictures to illustrate the benefits of the product.

By also being more inclusive towards women, Fititude could target a larger audience.

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From feature to benefits

Growth Scalers’ motto is that features tell and benefits sell. Instead of listing the features of the product Growth Scalers emphasizes the benefit that it would bring to the user like pain release and the ability to find some sleep at night.

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From product launch to profit:

Every launch is challenging because you are competing with other companies with more history, more reviews and ratings.

Fititude wanted to get some market share and decided to break-even at first for the time being. Growth Scalers helped them to get more reviews, thanks to the vine program and by promoting the product through PPC and discounts in Rebatekey. After getting some traction, the gloves ranked first in the top 100 of its category and made it to the top 30. At the same time, Fititude could raise the pricing, and thanks to Growth Scalers’s profit analysis, they could reach a 30% profit margin and sell 30 units per day after only 2 months.

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Next steps

Fititude and Growth Scalers are currently working on diversifying the sales channels and have identified new markets like Canada, UK, Europe to get started. Also, eBay and Walmart are marketplaces where the demand is promising.

Case Study outcome:
Conversion rate (Order Item Session Percentage): 22.27%
Unit sold per day: 24
Profitability reach after 2 months: 30% net profit

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Jérémie Tranape
October 21, 2023
Case Study